切り絵作家、百鬼丸氏の「切り絵の世界 II」展、5月3日から14日まで開催。
2017 “Hyakki-maru, The World of ‘KIRIE”II’ from 3rd to 14th May 2014

切り絵教室 13:00-15:30、お一人様3,500円
似顔絵切り絵教室 10:00-13:30、お一人様4,500円
肉筆画シャツ 10:00-13:30、お一人様4,500円、無地の白地のワイシャツやTシャツなどをお持ち込み頂いて結構です。
Gerd Knäpper Gallery is pleased to be welcoming back the ever more popular Kirie-artist, Hyakki-maru to our 2017 Spring exhibition. Please enjoy the joyful world of Hyakki-maru’s paper cutting works in which the dynamic beauty of traditional paper cut designs meet the artist’s own unique modern interpretation. During the exhibition period, there is no requirement to book in advance to see the exhibition. The entry fee of 500 yen per person applies.
The artist will be present on 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13 and 14 May and the following events will be held on those dates . Reservation is required.
Kirie classes: 13:30 – 15:30, Fee 3,500yen per person.
Kirie portrait: 10:00 – 13:30, Fee 4,500yen per person.
Tshirts/shirts drawing: 10:00 – 13:30, Fee 4,500yen per person. Please bring along a plain Tshirts/shirts with you.